Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Do Something

 **Do Something**

It’s your life, live it to the best
It’s your life do not worry
about the rest.
Doing something
beats doing nothing
Do something instead of
watching others get ahead
Make your life your own
enough said.
Bad attitudes and stupid behavior
will be your downfall
Wisdom can lift you up
when you are about to fall
Never think of yourself as being
better than someone else
if you do, your future will be dark
and someday you will end up
sleeping in the park.
Do something great
and then sit back and
watch others gravitate
They will walk miles
just to see you smile.
But Do Something
Writer **George Wilder Jr.
Copyright 2024
Poetry in the Key of Life.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Writings in the Key of Life

 READ, READ, and READ. It's good for Mind and Soul. **Mr. Wilder, A PROFESSIONAL MUSICIAN. A GREAT WRITER. A P0ET. A BRILLIANT PERSON. A CONSTANT BOOK AND SHORT STORY AUTHOR. This author resides in the state of Illinois, and the great city of Chicago. 2024 another great year for being a writer. The winters are sometimes brutal. Just stay in and write. When he is not writing, he's creating music. He is writing poetry. He also writes, plays, and is a movie screenwriter, and has tons of completed scripts. He has been published for years, and will be for many years to come. Every piece of writing is like a diamond waiting to be discovered. While writing he is also helping others who are in need of food, shelter, and care. Besides being a writer he is also a reader, a podcaster, and book reviewer. He loves the mountains and open air, the running brooks, and all the sunshine in the world. He loves flowers and plants and nature of all kinds. The best parts of some of his days is just sitting and watching it rain and then write. Mr. Wilder is also a father, brother, uncle, and friend.

**He loves it when he is called someone's favorite writer. It's him, it's the reader.

Mr. Wilder is not perfect and he does not try to be.


Tuesday, May 7, 2024


 **Kindness for Weakness**

Too many continue to take
kindness for a weakness
The little bit of authority they
may have over someone
is taken for granted.
It is the cause to be mean and rude
It is the cause to be ridiculous
and to be crude

There need to be a mandatory
class on the teachings of
Kindness for weakness.
Give them an inch, they will take a mile
Give them the chance, they
will take away your smile.

Kindness for weakeness
Sad to say is here to stay
they will always find how
to get in your way

You have to ready for them
To knock you down, especially
if you are very intelligent. And Maybe
smarter than they are.
because they do not like that

*writer..**George Wilder Jr.**

Monday, May 6, 2024


 **See you in my Dreams**

You are the joy of all my means
See you in my dreams
You are all thats good, it seems
See you in my dreams
You are my tide of deep blue sea
You are my soul when it bleeds
See you in my dreams
You are the seed that makes a flower grow
I see you in the shower, you are all I know
See you in my dreams
You make my heart sing
There is no night and day you
without you, and the joy you bring
I see your face in all the bright
blue skies, as a shooting star
races by. The sun shines down
on the oceans and mountains
without a cry, as I sigh.
**See you in my dreams**
Writer **George Wilder Jr.**
Copyright 2024

Saturday, May 4, 2024


 **Hallway Lies**

The traitor stands
big fat and bloated
He is locked and loaded
with vicious lies.
As he farts his way on by
His hate continues to fly

He can’t stand for too long
He would collapse to the ground
He lies and lies,
there is no truth in his weak bones
His belly protudes
as his mouth moves
He’s always hateful and lude

The orange fat guy lives
in a world of his own making
It is our world that he is taking
All this time he knows he’s been faking

Hallway Lies. America will rebuild
soon after he’s gone.
democracy will remain strong
He wants to kill
He wants a bloodbath
He really needs a bath
Maybe a good shower
As he gets fatter by the hour

*Writer, **George Wilder Jr.**
Copyright 2024

Friday, May 3, 2024

Days Of War

 *Days of War*

Warplanes soar as innocent blood start to pour
Dying is prominent, for some it’s become a bore
No one wants a war to persist, only the world
can fix this. Men, women, children, die, and the world cries
The love of killing is not rare
It’s just no one of mind really cares
Blood on the bed, blood on the chair, blood
in your face, blood In your hair
The bloodly little baby pulled from a dirt hole
eyes wide open and bleeding from it’s soul
The day of war is no friend to anyone
Every dead child belongs to someone
The appettite for killing the innocent is strong
All day long with no pouch
People run and hide under the bed, and
behind the couch. The day of war, is
the fire that needs to be put out.
**Writer George Wilder Jr.**
All reactions:
George Wilder Jr.