Sunday, July 22, 2012


The ranks of America’s poor are on track to climb to levels unseen in nearly half a century, erasing gains from the war on poverty in the 1960s amid a weak economy and fraying government safety net.
Census figures for 2011 will be released this fall in the critical weeks ahead of the November elections.

The Associated Press surveyed more than a dozen economists, think tanks and academics, both nonpartisan and those with known liberal or conservative leanings, and found a broad consensus: The official poverty rate will rise from 15.1 percent in 2010, climbing as high as 15.7 percent. Several predicted a more modest gain, but even a 0.1 percentage point increase would put poverty at the highest level since 1965.
Poverty is spreading at record levels across many groups, from underemployed workers and suburban families to the poorest poor. More discouraged workers are giving up on the job market, leaving them vulnerable as unemployment aid begins to run out. Suburbs are seeing increases in poverty, including in such political battlegrounds as Colorado, Florida and Nevada, where voters are coping with a new norm of living hand to mouth.
“I grew up going to Hawaii every summer. Now I’m here, applying for assistance because it’s hard to make ends meet. It’s very hard to adjust,” said Laura Fritz, 27, of Wheat Ridge, Colo., describing her slide from rich to poor as she filled out aid forms at a county center. Since 2000, large swaths of Jefferson County just outside Denver have seen poverty nearly double.
Fritz says she grew up wealthy in the Denver suburb of Highlands Ranch, but fortunes turned after her parents lost a significant amount of money in the housing bust. Stuck in a half-million dollar house, her parents began living off food stamps and Fritz’s college money evaporated. She tried joining the Army but was injured during basic training.
Now she’s living on disability, with an infant daughter and a boyfriend, Garrett Goudeseune, 25, who can’t find work as a landscaper. They are struggling to pay their $650 rent on his unemployment checks and don’t know how they would get by without the extra help as they hope for the job market to improve.
In an election year dominated by discussion of the middle class, Fritz’s case highlights a dim reality for the growing group in poverty. Millions could fall through the cracks as government aid from unemployment insurance, Medicaid, welfare and food stamps diminishes.
“The issues aren’t just with public benefits. We have some deep problems in the economy,” said Peter Edelman, director of the Georgetown Center on Poverty, Inequality and Public Policy.
He pointed to the recent recession but also longer-term changes in the economy such as globalization, automation, outsourcing, immigration, and less unionization that have pushed median household income lower. Even after strong economic growth in the 1990s, poverty never fell below a 1973 low of 11.1 percent. That low point came after President Lyndon Johnson’s war on poverty, launched in 1964, that created Medicaid, Medicare and other social welfare programs.

George Wilder Jr's Derrick Sweat Midwest Deep Freeze: Share

George Wilder Jr's Derrick Sweat Midwest Deep Freeze: Share


I have always thought that helping someone was the greatest gift anyone could offer. And I still think that. What are we if can't help someone in need. To help someone adds to our self-esteem. It makes us feel good and it can add more years to our lives because it will make us smile more. I admit we can't each and every person in need, but at least we can do our part by helping those who close to us and those we can reach. With severe budgets cuts and an up and down economy it is always challenging even for those of us who want to help but can't.

Author George Wilder Jr.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Pray for Colorado

AURORA, Colo. — As the new Batman movie played on the screen, a gunman dressed in black and wearing a helmet, body armor and a gas mask stepped through a side door. At first he was just a silhouette, taken by some in the audience for a stunt that was part of one of the summer's most highly anticipated films.
But then, authorities said, he threw gas canisters that filled the packed suburban Denver theater with smoke, and, in the confusing haze between Hollywood fantasy and terrifying reality, opened fire as people screamed and dove for cover.
At least 12 people were killed and 59 wounded in one of the deadliest mass shootings in recent U.S. history.
"He looked like an assassin ready to go to war," said Jordan Crofter, a moviegoer who was unhurt in the attack early Friday, about a half-hour after the special midnight opening of "The Dark Knight Rises."
The gunman, identified by police as 24-year-old James Holmes, used a military-style semi-automatic rifle, a shotgun and a pistol, stopping only to reload.
The suspect marched up the aisle in the stadium-style theater, picking off those who tried to flee, witnesses said. Authorities said he hit 71 people. One of them was struck in an adjacent theater by gunfire that went through the wall.
"He would reload and shoot and anyone who would try to leave would just get killed," said Jennifer Seeger, adding that bullet casings landed on her head and burned her forehead.
Within minutes, frantic 911 calls brought some 200 police officers, ambulances and emergency crews to the theater. Holmes was captured in the parking lot. Police said they later found that his nearby apartment was booby-trapped.
Authorities gave no motive for the attack. The FBI said there was no indication of ties to any terrorist groups.
In New York City, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said: "It clearly looks like a deranged individual. He has his hair painted red. He said he was the Joker, obviously the enemy of Batman."

Author George Wilder Jr.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

2012 Taste of Chicago, a Victim?

The taste of Chicago is a victim  of politicians. They are going to try and spin it and blame it's failure low or no attendance on the hot weather, but that is not going to work because other festivals around the country are having record breaking attendance in spite of the heat. The taste of Chicago is being ripped apart by politicians. It use to be a totally free food fest enjoyed by the people of Chicago, now you have to pay a price for everything including bands, concerts, and are there are no real actitivites just walk around in the heat and hot sun biting on a slice a pizza that you paid ten bucks for. The Mayor doesn't seem like a Taste of Chicago type of guy. Now they are saying it was a great success with smaller crowds and charging everyone fees, maybe I'm off base. What do you think?

George Wilder Jr.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Young Ladies, wake Up

Young girls and some women who are beautiful, intelligent, and looking towards to a rewarding future can walk into a crowded room with nothing but guys and walk out the the worst of the bunch. I have seen the most smartest young women with loads of all kinds of talent, literally smooning, begging over and willing to do anything at all for that penniless, dirty, and uneducated thug who does nothing but belittle them, take their money, verbally abuse them, beat the hell out of them. But still these some of ladies can't seem stay away from those guys who beats them badly up out in public and spit on them.

I have heard that some young ladies take up with the bad guys, because they feel that nice guys are not that interesting. Nice guys are boring, no sense of excitement. I have seen gorgeous and radiant young women pleading their cases to these losers guys who soon will kick them in the stomach and throw them out in the cold only for the ladies to wait by the door until he lets them inside again. And if a nice guy comes along, she turns her nose up at him and walks hurriedly away into the arms of someone who wants to do her harm.

Not all women are like this, these losers prey on young nice ladies because they need someone to make them feel superior. They will use constant beatings, threats, drugs, intimidation to keep some of these women terrified of them. Young ladies, it time to wakeup.

George Wilder Jr.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Zest for Life

I’m not that religious in any way; I do not belong to any denomination or sect.  For this upcoming book, I researched, seeked out and talked to others, re-read portions of the  Bible, visited important places, and recalled serious conversations with others on the subject. But mostly I have reached down inside myself and went through my entire soul to fill these once blank pages. This book is me just thinking out loud. I’m no scholar on this subject or any other subject; however, I don’t think you need to be one when you are addressing Jesus. I just know that this was something I wanted to do for years and now I an finally working on it.  I do hope you like it and keep it with you all the time whenever you are feeling depressed and worthless. That zest for life will return. For me, this was a labor of love to write. If there are any complaints about this book address them to the author and no one else.
About the ebook “Jesus, Stay with me”
George Wilder Jr.
Due out 2013

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Smile, and the World Smiles with You.

Life is out there for the taking. No matter how hard things are never give up. The best forfilling thing is to help others. Helping others keeps us positive in helping ourselves. Life is hard and will get harder but we can't go hide in the closet and hang our heads and cry. Whatever you want, go after it no matter where you are in life. There are going to be those who are going discourage you. There are going to those who will not want to see you succeed. However, that is the time to be strong and fight for your place in this world. Smile and world smiles with you, cry and you cry alone. Whether you are young or old fight for your life, fight for your children, fight for what you think you deserve, and fight for the future. If you give up because of few setbacks, your distractors will win. Don't let them win over you. Let them know that you will fight for that American Dream and that you will fight for that job you always wanted and no one will stand in your way no how many rejections. Write that book that you always wanted, make the time, and watch it soar. And always be and think positive no matter how hard that may be sometimes. I'm with you.

Author George Wilder Jr.