Thursday, August 21, 2014

Blog Talk Radio

I'm broadcasting live on the air! Listen in now at #BlogTalkRadio


September 2014

The George Wilder Jr. Show

I'm the new kid on the block. The show is still under construction.

Join me

Wednesday, August 6, 2014


If you have the talent to write then you must pursue it. A squandered talent is a terrible thing. You must find out how far you can go. How good are you?
This can only be done through practice, through writing. Having the time is the first task, and the second is actually sitting down and writing. Sometimes this can be hard. The world does not care if you write, so it is all up to you. If you do not feel that you can write--take a walk, get a cup of coffee or glass of water and read for awhile, this always works for me. It is generally what gets me into the mood. Get inspired by other writers. Writing a little beats not writing at all.