Sunday, February 1, 2015

Author and Popular Radio Host

George Wilder Jr was born in the Mississippi Delta. Raised himself in a family of ten siblings, and that included, four whole sisters and six half brothers and sisters. After his mother told him to drop out of school, he soon learned that was not a good thing, and went back to high school by getting his GED and proceeding on to college and business schools. And learning as much as he could to survive. Staying positive has helped him a lot, even today. He knew that he wanted to be a writer while he was in grammar school writing songs for his then band, and also by discovering libraries in his communities. Libraries to Mr. Wilder, were like diamonds in the rough. He now resides in Chicago, Illinois where he raises his artistic son. George Wilder Jr. writes fiction, nonfiction, essays, short stories, and more. Authors always looking for reviews. 

He is a well known Author and writer and Internet Radio Talk Show Host. Listen to him every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday starting at 6pm to 7pm on into prime time. 

Come and listen to some lively topics and conversation starters that will surely  to make you want to participate in a wonderful and informative discussion. Call into the show with your bit. Also there will be a smart quiz  questions each evening of the popular show. Be a part of a great show.  Guest call in number is 347-857-1762

The shows are also podcast in iTunes. Go to the Blog Talk Radio website and listen to past shows and realize that, The George Wilder Jr. Show is on the move.

The controversial talk show radio show host will be waiting your valuable input on many of his own topics.  See you there.

Sincerely, George Wilder Jr.
