Monday, June 18, 2018

The Slime of Trump and the Republicans.

America has descended to such depths that I am horrified. The right wingers do nothing but parrot idiotic catchphrases and hate spewed by their masters and the left wing does nothing but whine. A nation of the vile and the ineffectual battling for power. There was a time when America actually had some morality, and it extended past party roles and even the all pervasive racism. There was a time when a so openly corrupt, treasonous, constantly lying and anti-American person such as Trump would have been pilloried. His dealings with enemy foreign nations and worst, doing their bidding to the damage of the US and its allies would have landed him in a prison. Now his witless followers just scream his support. They have no shame, no consideration for the damage he is doing, and really, they don't care. The right wing has become the party of treason while screaming it is the party of national loyalty. It is always easy to make idiots be hypocrites. The left whinges and moans and whines and complains but they could not organize sex in a brothel. "Oh the DNC manipulated and fabricated and cheated denying Sanders a fair shake, oh well, whatcha gonna do?" "Oh there are special elections and mid terms coming up, we should massively organize and find candidates that will actually fix the problems in the US, nah, too much work, pass me a soy latte and lets cry together."
What needs to happen?
Well first and foremost, Americans have to start acting like Americans again, not like this collective of halfwits screaming invective at each other.
You want to claim ANY sense of morality, then you have to start being moral and demanding morality. Look at all those fake Christians who scream about starving the hungry, kicking out the needy and letting the sick die. Holy crap it's as if they took every single thing Jesus said and decided the opposite was what they really wanted.
You as a nation have to start saying to your political masters that they are lying, stealing, cheating, false, damaging etc and you will not stand it from either spectrum.
Trump lies constantly, he is betraying the nation for his own betterment, he is destroying the national infrastructure under orders from hostile foreign powers. There should not be a single person who places party over nation
And that IS what is happening now.
Everyone can see the damage that is being done, the praise for nations that are enemies, the attacks against nations that are allies. Who do you think is coordinating this? The demands for free trade with China, Russia, the demand for trade restrictions against NATO allies. Again, who do you think is coordinating this.
This damage to the US both now and for decades to come should not be happening but it is because the right wing has abandoned the nation to support the party, or specifically, Trump and the left wing has adopted moaning as a national policy and not direct, nationally coordinated action.
For F*cks Sake America, wake up, save your country, start being real patriots again whose love is for the nation, not some failed reality TV shyster like Trump. Craig Murray

Sunday, June 10, 2018

More Highlights, that I George Wilder Jr., a shot of my son Denver's remarkable Graduation Ceremony at the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Center. I'm a very proud dad. He was a lot of hard work but it paid off. Pay close attention or you will miss him on this piece of footage. June 2018