Saturday, April 16, 2011


That is what is coming out of the mouths of liberals and democrats, and especially Americans who voted for Obama. The deal that Obama struck with the ruthless republicans, he gave them more in cuts that they asked for, and he and Reid goes out in front of the tv cameras and declare victory. Back in December, Obama give tax cuts to the rich, something he vowed he would never do. He has got us blogged down in three wars. He once said that he would end the war in Iraq. He sent in more troops. Homeless is out of controll in America. Gangs and thugs standing on corners and are killing young children. Why doesn't he tackle this problem? He signed a bill into law cutting heating assistence to the poor. He cut seniors jobs and programs for bettering the community. Obama is corporations and Wall Street. He gives lip service to issues and then hide. He wants to re-elected, if no one runs against he will be re-elected.

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