With a poor out look on our economy and millions out of work, and Obama's big promise of change and hope that never happened, its no wonder Obama is in trouble. The simple fact is Obama made a promise he did not keep, and instead of putting his focus on the economy and jobs he instead put his focus on healthcare and Pelosi's agenda, and guess what Pelosi's agenda failed and in the process wasted billions. The only thing Obama has done since coming into office is point to the right, get us downgraded for the world to see, while ignoring the very promise that got him elected in the first place, and with millions still out of work, high gas prices, and of course a housing market in the toilet, while giving billions in foreign aide to places like Pakistan who hid bin laden, its no wonder Obama is in trouble, with a 71% disapproval rating, I am not surprised and as someone who voted for Obama, I too am shopping for a new President and I don't care which party that is because Obama has done nothing but cave in and point to the right and not once own up to his own mistakes. His flip attitude towards those out of work with comforting words such as "bumps in the road" and not so shovel ready" is all I need to say enough is enough.
The PROBLEM with labor is NOT the Democratic party or Obama, the problem with big labor is, big labor's leadership, or lack thereof.
Organized labor is using a organizational model that is based on the issues that effected workers in the last century. Big business has changed its business model and labor has failed to adapt. When organized labor could not get workers at a Target in a New York City suburb to vote to unionize, right then and there I knew organized labor had bigger problems than what Obama was or wasn't doing.
Why didn't the workers at a Target in New York vote to unionize.
The majority of workers didn't view working at Target as a long term career. So when the labor organizers came around with their talk about we can get you more money, like an extra 50 cents an hour. The talk was falling on deaf ears and rightfully so.
If the unions want to get back to some semblance of importance in the lives of workers again, they need to get their heads out of the butts of the people in the beltway.
The Unions need to use their vast resources to help small businesses and show them how to compete against these large corporations (who are not on the side of small business) while at the same time creating opportunities for their members.
The unions need to change their marketing to emphasize a new mission for the Union worker. A union worker should be equipped with the skills to save companies and make them grow, and share in that growth. Not what seems to be the perception now that Union workers take advantage of companies, extract all the wealth out of companies and get more out than they put in. I'm not saying that is true, just that is the perception.
The PROBLEM with labor is NOT the Democratic party or Obama, the problem with big labor is, big labor's leadership
Organized labor is using a organizati
Why didn't the workers at a Target in New York vote to unionize.
The majority of workers didn't view working at Target as a long term career. So when the labor organizers came around with their talk about we can get you more money, like an extra 50 cents an hour. The talk was falling on deaf ears and rightfully so.
If the unions want to get back to some semblance of importance in the lives of workers again, they need to get their heads out of the butts of the people in the beltway.
The Unions need to use their vast resources to help small businesses and show them how to compete against these large corporatio
The unions need to change their marketing to emphasize a new mission for the Union worker. A union worker should be equipped with the skills to save companies and make them grow, and share in that growth. Not what seems to be the perception now that Union workers take advantage of companies, extract all the wealth out of companies and get more out than they put in. I'm not saying that is true, just that is the perception
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