Monday, May 13, 2024

Writings in the Key of Life

 READ, READ, and READ. It's good for Mind and Soul. **Mr. Wilder, A PROFESSIONAL MUSICIAN. A GREAT WRITER. A P0ET. A BRILLIANT PERSON. A CONSTANT BOOK AND SHORT STORY AUTHOR. This author resides in the state of Illinois, and the great city of Chicago. 2024 another great year for being a writer. The winters are sometimes brutal. Just stay in and write. When he is not writing, he's creating music. He is writing poetry. He also writes, plays, and is a movie screenwriter, and has tons of completed scripts. He has been published for years, and will be for many years to come. Every piece of writing is like a diamond waiting to be discovered. While writing he is also helping others who are in need of food, shelter, and care. Besides being a writer he is also a reader, a podcaster, and book reviewer. He loves the mountains and open air, the running brooks, and all the sunshine in the world. He loves flowers and plants and nature of all kinds. The best parts of some of his days is just sitting and watching it rain and then write. Mr. Wilder is also a father, brother, uncle, and friend.

**He loves it when he is called someone's favorite writer. It's him, it's the reader.

Mr. Wilder is not perfect and he does not try to be.


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