Saturday, May 28, 2011

What Have Poor People Ever Done For This Country?

What have poor people ever done for this country?
  1. They built it. The country was literally built on the backs of poor immigrants and slaves. To this day, construction workers are some of the hardest working people in the country, yet their average wage is only $50,000 per year, which includes management. People that maintain the roads driven by the wealthy (and everyone else) are paid only $30,000 per year.
  2. They care for our children. The average nanny is paid only about $30,000 per year, usually without benefits.
  3. They teach our children. The average teacher makes around $45,000 a year, which might not sound poor, but for that salary, most positions require advanced degrees.
  4. They make the world beautiful. It would be difficult to determine the average salary of an artist, but very few of even the most talented artists achieve financial success.
  5. They inform and entertain. Writers, actors and filmmakers are just as likely to live in poverty as visual artists.
  6. They create. Inventors are often poorly paid for their inventions, if paid at all.
  7. They are entrepreneurs. Two thirds of startup businesses fail. Many of them fail because they were simply out financed (think the big coffee chain moving on to the same corner as the independent coffee house).
  8. They keep our world clean. People that do the dirtiest jobs are notoriously some of the least paid, yet can you imagine a world without people emptying our trash and cleaning our toilets?
  9. They keep you alive. Without poor people, produce would rot in the fields. There would be no goods on the shelves. There would be no store clerks to sell them to you. Most Americans would most likely starve.
  10. They fight for our country. The average starting salary of enlisted personnel is about $30,000 per year.
  11. They save the world. Many of history’s most selfless people live their lives in or near poverty. They join the Peace Corps. They work for or start charitable organizations.
  12. They pay their taxes. Much is made of the statistic that between 40 and 50 percent of people don’t pay federal income tax. That is typically because they are too poor. But even if they don’t pay federal income tax, they pay taxes. They pay Social Security taxes. They pay state taxes. They pay the identical sales tax on food and clothing as their wealthy brethren. They pay identical gasoline taxes as their more fortunate counterparts. Unlike the wealthy, taxes deeply impact the well being of the poor, yet, unlike the wealthy, they are unable to take advantage of the loopholes that were designed to specifically benefit the wealthy.

New book. 'Parenting, Back to The Script'

This is a new parenting book unlike any other. It is about the innocent children being preyed upon by predator parents. The book mostly talks about how not to be an extremely bad or a disengage parent of small and teenage children. It talks about how children who are born into this world knowing nothing at all about their parents, the environment, and the up bringing that will tell the entire story whether it’s good or horrible. It talks about preventing the child from growing up and becoming a bad girl or the bad guy, soon to hurt another child. Key points will be stressed again and again throughout this book

This can take place in any inner city within the United States. The author's main goal here is to try and save innocent children from the mean streets. There are thousands and more parenting books out here; however, this is the first to hold the parent’s feet to the fire in such a dramatic fashion. Most young children bad actions can come from just plain awful parenting. The parents maybe drug addicts, they may be illiterate, or they not have the mindset to be good parents, and they may be thugs teaching their children to be thugs. They are so many parents who do not love their children. There are so many parents who let their children rule their households. There are some parents who refuse to talk to their children. There are so many parents who just throw their children away and the child join gangs and sometimes it end up even worse. There are good parents everywhere; however, there are too many awful ones. What are we if can’t help a great child survive?

This is a cutting edge NEW book, soon to be released, on how not to parent a child. Why some children are the victims of their own parents. Blame it on the Parents is chilling indictment of all parents who willfully stand in the way of their child's progress. A must read for everyone!!


Author: George Wilder Jr.
Books are available at:

Publisher: Publish America
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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Dems Win, Repubicans Looking for Answers

Disclaimer: The writer Ryan Rudominer works with House Majority PAC.
Tuesday's special election upset victory sent shock waves across the political universe. This was a stunning rejection of House Republicans' radical budget - all but four House Republicans voted for - in one of the most Republican House districts.

House Majority PAC spent nearly $400,000 on the race in NY-26 to educate voters on Jane Corwin's support for House Republicans' radical budget that not only ends Medicare as we know it, but also increases the national debt by providing giveaways to millionaires and big oil companies. We matched American Crossroads dollar-for-dollar once our tv ad began airing on May 17 on both cable and broadcast.?

With this victory, we made clear we will aggressively go after House Republicans’ extreme agenda, we will fight back against the powerful voices on the Extreme Right, and most importantly we will win.

The Democratic candidate, Congresswoman-elect Kathy Hochul had to overcome many obstacles to win the seat in upstate New York vacated by Christopher Lee (R-Craig's List). But fortunately, Republicans did everything they could to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

The GOP had a millionaire candidate, Jane Corwin running in a solid GOP district. On top of that, Karl Rove's independent expenditure group spent $650,00 to support Corwin. But voters in the district overwhelmingly opposed the GOP plan to kill Medicare and the Republican candidate was caught in the fallout. Corwin's defeat also illustrated the rift that exists between the GOP establishment and the tea party. A independent candidate seeking tea party support helped to derail Corwin's campaign.

It will be interesting to see how many GOP senators jump ship on the Ryan budget after this disaster.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Parenting Back to Script, a Novel.


This is a parenting book unlike any other. It is about the innocent children being preyed upon by predator parents. The book mostly talks about how not to be an extremely bad or a disengage parent of small and teenage children. It talks about how children who are born into this world knowing nothing at all about their parents, the environment, and the up bringing that will tell the entire story whether it’s good or horrible. It talks about preventing the child from growing up and becoming a bad girl or the bad guy, soon to hurt another child. Key points will be stressed again and again throughout this book

This can take place in any inner city within the United States. The author's main goal here is to try and save innocent children from the mean streets. There are thousands and more parenting books out here; however, this is the first to hold the parent’s feet to the fire in such a dramatic fashion. Most young children bad actions can come from just plain awful parenting. The parents maybe drug addicts, they may be illiterate, or they not have the mindset to be good parents, and they may be thugs teaching their children to be thugs. They are so many parents who do not love their children. There are so many parents who let their children rule their households. There are some parents who refuse to talk to their children. There are so many parents who just throw their children away and the child join gangs and sometimes it end up even worse. There are good parents everywhere; however, there are too many awful ones. What are we if can’t help a great child survive?

I wrote this book because I felt there is a strong need out there for something that does not obscure the hard bold facts about parents and their children.  Sure there are parenting books all around. But this book is also about how not to parent. That’s right, how not to parent. This is book is about our young children and there futures. It's about parents who may stand in the way of that progress.

I talk a bit about my young son. I use his behavior, and my response to it, to give readers an insight to how I parent. I talk about how I actually learned on-hand parenting and how he responded. And through it all, he has academically excelled. At the beginning and soon later on in the book, it gets concrete and to the point.  Some adults must recognize themselves as being bad parents and work on becoming a great parent.

When writing this, I dropped every thing else I was working on to give this work top priority. I'm a writer of fiction; from my standpoint, writing fiction is more enjoyable. But this was a message I felt compelled me to complete. Children are leaving this world way too soon from street violence and bad parenting. I love children and I hate to hear and see them abused in so many ways due to no fault of their own. I think some parents should change their negative behavior when it comes to their own children. 

This is a book that should be read by everyone. Most people have children and all adults are somebody's child. The dreams and nightmares in this book may be just beginning.  If it appears that I repeating myself on this subject, it is because I'm very passionate about what I'm trying to put forth and lay out here. I wrote this book for myself. I wrote this book for my son. I wrote this book for you, the reader. I wrote this book for children. I wrote this book for parents. I wrote this book for all future parents.

This book was truly a labor of love for me. I looked at my own child as a big influence on
me for everything that I have written here and in articles and books that I have and will produce. He gives me that momentum to keep going.

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George Wilder, Jr.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Sunday Shows

 I quit watching Sunday Shows long time ago. I agree with Rachel, they do seem to cater to republican­s. Sunday shows let the republican­s rant and rave as loud as they can. The politician­s never seem to answer a simply asked question when it is pose to them. They talk all around the question, or pretend like they didn't hear the question. They hardly ever answer a direct question, Politician­s talk over , under, above the question. These talk shows should be for the people, not millionair­es who think they now best how to spend our tax money.

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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mean and Nasty Bosses

Michelle Ward has worked for a slew of mean managers in her career. One of the most notable, she says, was a bully. "The better you did your work, the more he'd verbally abuse you," she recalls. The second was when she was an assistant to an executive who made her unpack five boxes -- which she had spent all day packing -- so he could have diet orange soda when he came into the office that night.
But Ward, now a career coach, says that dealing with these types of managers came down to one thing: standing up for herself.
"By standing up for myself and/or not engaging, it allowed me to keep my self-confidence up, regardless. It didn't make it an unemotional situation and it didn't make me enjoy working there, but it felt better for me than taking his [abuse]," she says.
When it comes to managers, there are many personality types to deal with -- demanding,  micromanaging, hands-off or even relaxed. But perhaps the worst kind of manager to deal with is one who is downright evil.
Bosses are mean to their employees for many reasons. Don Hurzeler, author of "The Way Up: How to Keep Your Career Moving in the Right Direction," says one is reason is that people imitate the behaviors they experienced early on in their own careers. 
"If someone is new in the business, impressionable and sees their boss manage by intimidation and by being a bully, they may think that is the way to be when they become a boss," he says.
Some mean managers may not be confident in their own abilities to manage, he adds.
"To cover up the fact that they have a poor self-image and poor management communication skills, they become that mean dictator that no one dare question," he says.
Some mean bosses will tell you that they're nasty because they have high standards, but that's just an excuse, says Kathi Elster, president of K Squared Enterprises, an executive coaching firm, and author of "Working With You Is Killing Me" and "Working for You Isn't Working for Me."
"The real reason that a boss feels they can be mean to their employees is because they are unhappy with their own situation at work. Let's face it, being the boss means that you are in a power position and have control over those who report to you, and it can be tempting to take out your own disappointment on those in a weaker position."
It's important to note, however, that there's a difference between a boss who is perceived as mean because he is tough and a boss who is mean because he is a bully, says Treivor Branch, author of "The Drama-Free Workweek" and CEO of The Branch Solution LLC, a workplace issues and conflict resolution consultancy.
"A bully enjoys belittling and berating employees to cover up their own insecurities. The bully may scream, yell or humiliate employees to make them feel incompetent and fails to recognize or reward good work," he says. "A boss who is simply tough has high standards of excellence, but at the same time recognizes and rewards employees for good work."
Doing good work might be hard in a toxic work environment. While some employees may be able to perform effectively under a mean boss, more will crumble under the consistent pressure of trying to meet the demands of mean, unreasonable boss, Branch says. And that makes for less productivity, which is not good in today's work climate.
"Employees perform best in a happy, healthy work environment. Fewer workers taking on greater responsibilities is already a recipe for disaster. Now, add mean or spiteful bosses; employee stress shoots through the roof, thus impacting their ability to effectively complete even mundane tasks," he says. "Bosses who are mean will eventually experience a decrease in employee commitment, a rise in errors and poor work quality, as well as increased interpersonal conflicts and team dysfunction."
If you have an evil boss, here are seven tips from Branch and Hurzeler:
1. Make the distinction.
"Make sure you have not confused 'demanding" with 'mean.' There are lots of demanding bosses out there, who demand you do the job you are paid to do. If you are not qualified to do that job or cannot do the job for some reason, the problem is actually yours. What might sound mean to you is probably just the facts being placed before you. Suspect yourself and do all you can to deliver as required on your job," Hurzeler says. "If you have delivered on time and as promised, and the boss is still mean to you, sit down and talk to the boss. Maybe you have missed the point of his or her ineffective behavior, or maybe you do have room for improvement. The boss will learn of the negative effect that they are having on you and may work to change his or her ways. If you don't bring up your grievances in a clear and constructive way, nothing will ever change."
2. Take a break.
"Working for a mean or bully boss can be one of the top stressors in the workplace and can cause severe stress-related health problems. In view of this, it is essential for employees to take a stress break when they are confronted with a mean or bully boss. Take time off from work for at least a week and be sure to visit your doctor during this time," Branch says.
3. Don't shut down.
"If you fold up under the pressure of a mean boss, the boss is then given the sword to take you out of the game. The mean boss wins and you lose," Hurzeler says. "Bring your best game to work every single day and you will outlast or win over the mean boss. You win.  Mean loses."
4. Document
"Employees should begin to document the mean boss's behavior. Make note of negative actions taken by the boss and how they are impacting employee productivity. Include details such as dates, times, specifics of the mean boss behavior and employees targeted. Include what attempts, if any, were made by you or other employees to address the situation and the outcome of such interventions," Branch says.
5. Constructively confront
"Meet with the mean boss to address your concerns. Keep your emotions intact. Do not scream, yell or become aggressive. Keep your tone calm and even. Be careful not to point the finger or focus on the individual, but rather seek to understand and resolve any concerns the boss may have which lead to the mean behavior. Ask open-ended questions. Ask how you can better support the boss," Branch says.
6. Report the boss
"Make your human resources department aware of the situation, especially if the situation escalates following your discussion with the boss. Be sure to present your documentation. In addition, you may want to contact an attorney as some of the boss's actions may violate laws regarding hostile work environments and may be eligible for legal action," Branch says.
7. Plan your exit
"The negative impact of working with a mean boss is too great. If you are in a situation where you work for a mean or spiteful boss, plan your exit. Update your résumé and begin circulating it internally and externally," Branch says. "Work your network to learn about unadvertised opportunities in other areas of the company or at another company. No employee should have to work in a mentally, emotionally and, in some instances, physically debilitating environment."
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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Republicans Punked

Bill Maher opened up with, “Now that it’s become clear that the Republicans, the fiscally conservative strong on defense party are neither fiscally conservative nor strong on defense, they have to tell us what exactly it is they’re good at. It’s not defense. 9/11 happened on your watch, and you retaliated by invading the wrong country, and you lost a 10 year game of hide and seek with Osama Bin Laden, and you’re responsible for running up most of the debt, which more than anything makes us weak.”
Maher continued, “You’re supposed to be the party with the killer instinct, but it was a Democrat who put a bomb in Gadhafi’s bedroom, and bullet in Bin Laden’s eye like Moe Green. Raising the question how many Muslims does a black guy have to kill in one weekend before crackers climb down off his ass? Let’s look at some facts. Now for you Fox News viewers feel free to turn down the sound until the flashing facts light at the bottom of your screen disappears.”
He then rolled out the facts, “When Bill Clinton left office in 2001, the Congressional Budget Office predicted that by the end of the decade we would have paid off the entire debt and had $2 trillion surplus. Instead we have a ten and a half trillion dollar public debt and the different in those two numbers is mostly because Republicans put tax cuts for the rich, free drugs for the elderly, and two wars on the layaway plan, and then bailed on the check, so so much for fiscal responsibility.
Bill Maher then destroyed the idea that Republicans are strong in national security, “But hey, at least they still had the defense thing right? The public still believed Republicans were tougher when it came to hunting down dark skinned foreigners with funny sounding names. But Bush had 7 years to get Osama, he didn’t. He got Wesley Snipes. Only 6 months after 9/11 Bush said he didn’t spend that much time on Bin Laden that he was no longer concerned about him. Just as he wasn’t before 9/11 when he blew off that mysterious inscrutable memo titled Bin Laden determined to attack inside the United States. In under a year Bush went from who gives a shit, to wanted dead or alive, back to who gives a shit.”
After calling out the Republicans for criticizing Obama for during the 2008 campaign for saying that he would go into Pakistan to get Bin Laden, and asked Republicans, “Why can’t you just admit that Barack Obama is one efficient, steely nerved, multitasking, black ninja gansta president? In one week he produced his birth certificate, comforted disaster victims, swung by Florida to say hey to Gabby Giffords, did stand up at the Correspondents’ Dinner, and then personally repelled into in Bin Laden’s lair and put a Chinese star though his throat without waking up any of his 13 wives. That’s how it went down, I saw it on MSNBC.”
The truth is that the 30% of America that Bill Maher mentioned will never support Obama no matter what he does. Unlike Democrats who did rally behind President Bush after 9/11, many Republicans can only view the Obama presidency with bitter jaundiced eyes that are only capable of seeing all the vast conspiracies that explain why they were not able to keep the presidency, which they believe they are entitled to.
Maher had it right. Obama had an incredible week last week, but within 48 hours the right was back hard at work trying to delegitimize his accomplishments while at the same time taking credit for themselves. What is absolutely eating the Obama haters up inside right now is that he got Bin Laden. Since 9/11 Republicans have treated the issue of national security as their birthright, but Obama showed them what a real commitment to keeping America secure looks like.
Barack Obama is one bad ass gangsta president. He is everything Republicans wish they were, but don’t have the guts to be.

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Thursday, May 5, 2011


Debate? These, republicans, guys all are on the same page when it comes to America. "tax cuts for the rich, bust all unions, no gay marriage, no to civil unions, let's gut medicare, medicaid, and social security, no taxes on corporatio­ns and rich, throw seniors to the curb, cut back on community service jobs for the elderly, gut all entitlemen­ts to education and women and children under the mask of cutting spending." In other words, we all know what they are going to say, so why watch that mess?

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Monday, May 2, 2011

Killing of bin Laden

Osama bin Laden dead. That is a great thing, only because of bloodshed this man and his thugs as caused all around the world. Republicans will be reluctant to give all the credit to the president. No one can deny the fact that bin laden killing took place on Obama's watch and the president gave the order to take this thug out. Obama poll numbers will rise because of this daring feat only to fall again in the near future. Now let's get out of Afganistand, Iran, and Lybia once and for all. As most Americans know, killing bin laden will not stop the terrorists, this just may have inflamed the situation. Bin Laden is dead, now can we have some peace.  President Obama should be congradulated for White House involvement.

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Sunday, May 1, 2011



The right to recall should be mandatory in ALL states - it's one of the few means by which the citizenry can seek recourse once a blatantly negative agenda becomes evident.

Without recall, people end up stuck under the thumbs of raging profiteers­, and forced to watch helplessly on the sidelines as the environmen­t, people's lives, and voter will - is dismantled­.

One obvious example of that is Gov. Rick Scott of Florida. This man has a history of ruthless criminalit­y, but with a bit of corporatel­y financed election trickery, he was dumped on the state.

The damage this guy can do during his term is truly frightenin­g - and there is little people can do about it because he can NOT be recalled - which allows him the freedom to reverse, rob, and destroy everything he can get his hands on.

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