Thursday, October 17, 2013

They are going to try this again

What is very baffling is that 144 Republicans voted to keep the government shutdown and wanted a default. We must never forget this and hold these people accountable because they are going to try this again and real soon. All we did was to kick the can down the road, and in February 2014 we will be back in this sh't again. Believe me they are already plotting their next move. They will be coming after your healthcare, social security, your job, your tax money, Medicare, Medicaid, Snap benefits, and whatever else they can extract from us all. They are going to  try and destroy the President once again.The Republicans do not care about America, they care about their party. They  care about their rich donors who they take orders from. In my  opinion no one wins in this thing because Americans have already has lost so much in tax money, 24 Billion for 16 days of the shutdown. And the republicans continue to want to waste more hard earned tax dollars of your and my money. And they talk about cutting spending, how is wasting 24 billion cutting spending? Why were the republicans taking their marching orders from a group call the teaparty when it was hard working Americans who gave them their jobs? Because they were/are afraid of losing their offices. Americans have to stop voting in people who are not for their own best interests. Americans must take charge of their government, not the politicians. Americans have to stand up and say enough is enough from these clowns. This country belongs to you and me, we hire them to keep up safe, we hire them to keep us informed, and we hire them to represent all of America. We do not hire them to lie, cheat, and to hate America. And to go against every value that we stood for since the beginning of time. 

George Wilder Jr.

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